PTDF Interview Preparation Guidelines for MSc and PhD: Essential Tips and Sample Questions for Success

In this blog post, I will be sharing essential tips and sample questions as a PTDF alumni. Information shared here were gathered from other alumni as well who sat for their interviews in other parts of Nigeria. Pay keen attention and hope it helps in your preparation.

Now that you have been invited for the interview, congratulations! However, it is time to put in more work. I will be sharing the following:

  • Essential things to know about PTDF
  • Documents to take along with you to the venue and when to arrive there
  • How to appear there at the interview
  • Possible questions you should prepare.
  • Sample answers to these questions
  • Other tips to make you stand out and prepare better.

Essential information about PTDF you must have handy

Know something about PTDF: The Petroleum Trust Development Scholarship (PTDF) Overseas Scholarship is a scholarship from PTDF which is a government agency in Nigeria. PTDF was established by Act No. 25 of 1973 which repealed the Gulf Oil Company Training Fund Act. More details can be found on the PTDF scholarship post and their website.

The PTDF is a fully-funded scholarship which covers all expenses like tuition, cost of living, transportation etc. including those not related to your tuition in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Malaysia – see courses and universities again. According to PTDF’s website, it covers payment for tuition fees, accommodation and living expenses to successful scholars. Please visit the PTDF website for details about this.

Convince the interviewers based on your motivation letter or personal statement why you should be selected for the award: This is the part where you really need to have studied your motivation letter like the back of your hands possibly with statistics backing it up.

I will give you an example, think about a candidate that wants to study Renewable Energy and has written a Personal Statement about this. he must break down his personal statement, internalize it with some convincing statistics.

Sample Question 1: How did you develop your research interest and why is it important?

Note: You must justify your enthusiasm for the course you choose. It’s important to speak with confidence and to refrain from using the same words over and over. Give a thorough explanation of your course and the topic you plan to concentrate on during your research.

It is essential that you conduct a thorough examination of your research topic in order to produce astounding information related to it. Your response should be succinct, precise, specific, and, if at all possible, accompanied by figures to demonstrate how your area of interest in research will benefit the Nigeria’s economy. For instance, it might be pollution, climate change, etc. Make sure that you use numbers in your response to this question in order to make it more convincing. It is also a good idea to tie it to Nigeria’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Better health and well-being, economical and clean energy, education, clean water and sanitation, etc. are a few examples of what this could entail.

Sample Response:

My research interest is in the area of Renewable Energy for energy transition to low-carbon diversified energy mix. This is important because Nigeria is the largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa, but her economic growth has been constrained mostly by poor performance of the Power sector. Most industries spent so much money generating their own power and this increased their operation cost, when they could no longer keep up with this, they had to leave or close down.

According to the US Energy Information Administration, World Bank, most countries with rapidly growing economies like Brazil, China, India, Egypt achieve their current status due to a growing manufacturing sector. This means when we are unable to manufacture our own products due to lack of energy, then our economy is crippled. Manufacturing requires sufficient power. An Indian airport was recognized by the United Nations as the first airport to operate through a 12MW Solar installation with more than 46000 panels, where generated power surplus is added to the national grid.

Therefore, I aim to bridge the gap between power shortage in Nigeria through the knowledge I would acquire if given the opportunity to study this course in Germany or France.

Sample Question 2: Tell us what motivated you to pursue a master’s degree in the chosen country and University(ies) of interest?

Again, you must realize that this boils down to your motivation letter or personal statement. Most questions relating to your motivation will come from there.

This can be for personal development or career advancement, but it’s usually best to tie them together. Telling the interviewers how the Master’s degree will improve you as a person should be your first point of contact. It shouldn’t be the case for you that some people pursue a master’s degree merely to add another title to their names. You should be able to describe how obtaining a master’s degree can help you advance in your work and provide you with greater insights into your field. Perhaps your goal is to become a lecturer and help Nigeria’s educational system or solve some an obvious problem crippling the country’s economy or the Oil and Gas sector.

You might also like to work as a consultant in a specific subject, in which case a master’s degree will help you become more specialized and expand your knowledge base in that area.

Alternatively, you could mention your desire for entrepreneurship. You plan to launch your own company with hundreds of employees, and this Master’s degree will provide you with the exposure and expertise you need in the field in which your company will specialize.

Try to connect it to how Nigeria and the economy as a whole will gain in every situation.

Sample Question 3: What motivates you to pursue your chosen Field of study?

There are several areas in your first degree for example and employment history, but you have selected one, say Renewable Energy; the issue is, WHY? You ought to be able to confidently articulate your thoughts and list the benefits of choosing one over the other. You could go on to compare and contrast between several related courses, explain in details using facts and figures (where applicable) and state why your chosen field best suits your future prospects. Don’t be scared of convincing them about your past achievements and how this field will help you achieve your future goals and ambitions.

Still on the Renewable Energy example, you start by saying things like this…

The benefit or need for Renewable Energy in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized especially considering the current energy landscape of the country as it ranges from providing clean energy, increasing current production capacity. Nigeria boasts a total installed power generation capacity of 16,384MW, predominantly sourced from hydro and gas-fired thermal power plants. Hydro plants contribute 2,062MW, while gas-fired plants provide 11,972MW.

This data shows the importance of renewable energy education in Nigeria. Therefore, by investing in renewable energy studies, Nigeria could potentially diversify its energy sources, reduce reliance on gas-fired plants, and mitigate environmental impacts associated with traditional energy generation methods. If awarded this scholarship to study Renewable Energy at the Masters of PhD level, it could pave the way for innovation, job creation, and sustainable development in the country’s energy sector, making it possible to join efforts with other countries towards a greener and more resilient energy future.

Sample Question 4: What do you plan to gain from your current research goals and your career goals?

In this case, you are expected to break down your intents to short-term, mid-term and long-term goals. It is necessary to speak with confidence and let the interviewers know that you have clear goals in life and you are not just interested in the Master’s Degree for the sake of having it.

Your short-term goals could include building your knowledge base in your chosen field to boost your employability. Alternatively, it can allow you to have an impact on students in the classroom as a lecturer.

Mid to long-term objectives can include serving on committees that make choices pertaining to your field that will benefit the country as a whole. It’s also possible that you wish to advance professionally or climb the ladder more quickly.

Make sure you back up your arguments with facts and data in every situation to give them greater substance. Avoid using phrases like. “I think”, “I may” etc. and use more convincing ones like “I know”, “I will’ etc.

Sample Question 5: When you finish your master’s degree, what do you intend to do first?

The idea here is to convince your interviewers that your reason for the Master’s Degree is intentional and you have a clear life purpose. Since a master’s degree is only a piece of paper, you could begin by announcing that you plan to apply for internships in businesses that are related to your field to obtain more experience.

You could also say that you plan to start a company and offer advice to individuals and organizations in your field of expertise. Also, if you were already employed, you could also emphasize that you plan to go back to work for your company and introduce new ideas and innovations that will lead to growth and development. If teaching is your passion, you could describe how you plan to apply for lecturing positions and improve students’ lives by introducing ideas and innovations acquired from the Western world.

Considering the Renewable Energy example, you could mention that during your study you will make effort to do an internship and acquire practical experience on how to build solar panels from resources available in Nigeria or micro power plant from running streams and rivers. Mention that you intend to return home right after your studies to implement these solutions gathered from oversees and create employment opportunities while training people on your new found solutions.

Sample Question 6: How have your previous academic, research, and professional experiences prepared you for the master’s degree?

The purpose of the interview is for the interviewers is to determine whether you have what it takes to succeed in the program. They want to know if you have prior professional experience and background knowledge in the field of study you are applying to and how these knowledge complement your proposed course (field) of study.

You should start by outlining your First Degree course and how it will help you excel in the Master’s Degree curriculum. You should not be superficial in your explanation; name certain modules, principles, techniques etc. that are present in both your First Degree and the Master’s Degree you intend studying. Your first degree should be advanced by your research. Explain how they relate to each other and why it best fits your intended Master’s degree using specific examples.

Find a way to mention how your final degree thesis or project gives you a better foundation for the master’s degree or PhD. Are they related, can you created a link between them and mention it?

Your work history encompasses both paid and unpaid employment, full and part-time jobs, internships, and non-voluntary work. Your experiences should inform your intended degree, and you should begin by considering how these experiences will help you succeed in it. You should present interesting details about your professional experiences utilizing facts and numbers (where applicable) and you should explain yourself in a highly compelling manner. Avoid repetitions of words and speak courageously.

Sample Question 7: What noteworthy accomplishments have you made?

This is the section where you pitch yourself. Don’t worry that they’ll accuse you of boasting. You must highlight your past accomplishments that have set you apart. It could be accomplishments in school or the workplace.

At this point, during my interview, I literally had to pull out news paper announcements about me bagging the overall best graduating student of the year. Pull out anything at this point to sell yourself because the competition is very keen and you want to get all the marks allotted to this question category.

If you were the best graduating student in your secondary schools or in your University, this is the time to state it. Even if you were not the best student, you may also mention that you were in the top 10 best students out of 65 students for example.

You can also discuss about honors that were neither academic or professional; this include: most punctual, best dressed, icon of respect etc. They may be assessing you also based on your leadership potentials and exceptional academic merits. Even if you have not earned any award, you might also tell about exceptional feet that you have achieved. It may be that you held a leadership position in your student association during your undergraduate study.

The goal is to highlight past achievements that makes you the best candidate to be awarded this scholarship. Remember, there are many others around the country who would be competing with you from different states for the few slots allocated to your state, so you must sell yourself at this point.

Sample Question 8: In the course of your career/academic experiences what contributions and/or effect have you made?

Awards are excellent but the questions here is if or not you have been valuable to the society at large during your academic and professional experience. The key to this is to discuss previous volunteer activities that you have completed.

At this point, if you have been involved in any community service like awareness of any sort beneficial to the Nigerian communities at any level of your life – this can be during your National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program, please feel free to mention this.

If you had a departmental or SUG position while in the university, this will be an excellent time to explain the level of your influence. When describing the difference you made, be precise and don’t mince words. Avoid exaggerating so as to avoid sounding un-realistic.

You are a member of one or more CDS groups during your NYSC. Describe how your participation in the group helped to improve the community in which you live. How that you went into some community to build a micro power plant to help irrigate their farmland and increase agricultural yield during your service year in the community where you were posted. Think about this and write down your answers. Then go through them and prepare to mention then when asked and seek opportunities to blow your trumpet and find a way to related them to your proposed study.

Additionally, you can describe how you assisted in raising the level of efficiency and productivity in the companies you have previously worked for.

This is your opportunity to go into further detail about how you utilized your position as a prefect to improve the lives of others if you were one during your secondary school years. To bolster your arguments, you ought to include data and facts. Make sure you include dates in your story to strengthen the interviewers’ belief in it.

Additional tips for your PTDF interview preparation

  • Dress code: On the interview day, it is highly essential to appear stylish, neat and in a formal fashion. We propose you wear a suit; but, in a circumstance where you do not have it, men should wear a plain trouser with a nice shirt and ladies can wear a decent long neat skirt with an appropriate top or blouse. Your confidence will soar and the interviewers will be more inclined to consider you seriously. Don’t repeat words; instead, speak with confidence. Do not ware distracting perfumes.
  • Attitude: When interacting with your interviewers, it’s imperative to adopt polite behavior. Show them some patience during your interactions with them, and make sure to say hello when the interview panel calls on you. Be composed and do not be in a rush to answer. Take your time, keep your answers short and convincing.
  • Avoid the last hour rush and gradually read online about your course on daily basis before the interview.
  • Documentation: Read through your interview invite and get all mentioned documents ready. Also print and take along with you a copy of the invite, your Personal Statement/Motivation Letter, resume, Any newspaper publication of your past academic achievement or awards, positions etc., Copies of any academic publication you may have, if you don’t and can, publish one and take the published work alone with you. This will make you stand out among others, especially if you do not have a first class with honors and could make you exceptional if you are a first class student.
  • Remember to take any form of document which shows your national or international awards or prices won in the past. Even if they are awards and prices won in your Primary school, secondary school and a church award due to your academic excellence, take them alongside and make sure to show them as you present your documents to them or while giving your answers, show them as proof alongside.

How to prepare with the sample PTDF questions and tips

Go through your Personal Statement or Motivation Letter and try to answer all those questions yourself. Write them down and have someone ask you these questions while you answer them with all seriousness as you would on the day of the interview.

Alternatively, stand in front of a mirror and try answering these question. Memorize some lines, if you have to, especially those places where you are quoting some figures to buttress the relevance of your course to the well-being of Nigeria’s economy.

Answer them based on your Statement of Purpose/Personal Statement/Motivation Letter.

Think yourself as the interviewer, go through your Motivation Letter and ask yourself some questions based on the course you have selected and the country of your choice. Write down the answers, memorize them, and say them over and again.

Again, verify your understanding of your selected field of study by asking yourself some questions as if you are the interviewer or find someone who could assess you based on the subject area you have selected or mentioned in your Personal Statement. Note the question, research and answer them, then go through them to internalize the answers. You just might be asked.

Nonetheless, it is essential that you use during the interview the terms related to your course. Learn the suitable terms so as to be outstanding when facing the panel and gain as much mark as feasible as related this.

Acquire fascinating, mind-blowing information on your course so you can appear quite knowledgeable to them. You could discuss a current or previous finding to demonstrate your knowledge but this must be kept simple and short. It must be connected to the right question.

I wish you the best as you prepare and congratulations in advance.!