Unlock Your Schengen Visa with a No Objection Certificate Letter: Essential Guide and Tips!

The Schengen visa “No Objection Certificate” is issued by an employer or authorized representative, confirming the company’s approval for your specified leave to travel to the Schengen Area. A Schengen Visa No Objection Certificate Letter from an employer serves to confirm your company’s approval for the specified leave requested in your Schengen Visa application, ensuring you have permission to travel abroad.

For some Embassies, this document is mandatory but others consider it optional. Embassies without a mandatory requirement for a No Objection Certificate may not automatically reject visa applications lacking this document. 

Reasons Why You Need a NOC Letter

Your company, through the NOC letter, confirms your approved leave, affirms your ability to cover travel expenses, and assures your job upon your return. An appropriate company representative, such as your manager, supervisor, president, or vice president, should write the No Objection Certificate. Alternatively, you can request the NOC Letter from the HR department personnel. You should submit the NOC Letter whether you are planning to travel for tourism, business or to visit family members.

Always note there is a slight difference between a NOC letter and a leave approval, meaning that you must first have the permission from the company to take a certain period off (Leave Approval) before requesting the No Objection Certificate Letter from your company.

In other words, you have to submit a leave request to your company. Their response would determine if you would receive a NOC letter or not. If your employer has approved your leave request, you can request a NOC Letter.

While the NOC Letter significantly contributes to your Schengen visa application, it’s crucial to note that it isn’t the sole document validating your employment status.

Submitting your employment contract is a mandatory requirement, and it is recommended to submit a Certificate of Employment, though it is not mandatory for all embassies.

The ultimate goal of the NOC Letter is to prove that your employer allows you to travel abroad and the company is vouching for you and your credibility to the Embassy.

The Importance Of The No Objection Certificate (NOC) For Your Schengen Visa Application

While not obligatory for all Embassies during Schengen Visa applications, a NOC Letter from your employer is crucial for the following reasons:

  • The consular officer reviewing your application will have more evidence of your intentions to return to your home country/country of residence where you have contractual obligations).
  • It is a piece of validation that you are who you say you are, therefore, the No Objection Letter provides evidence that you are an employee who has received leave approval to travel to the Schengen Region for a purpose.
  • A trustworthy company that allows you to get a Visa and travel abroad provides additional proof that you are an honest person with a clean background and that you won’t break the laws of the country where you will be traveling.
  • It confirms that you have enough funds to support you during your journey because the Visa officer must ensure that you won’t be a burden to the country you are going to travel to.

How To Get A No Objection Letter (NOC) From An Employer

Once the company formally approves your leave and confirms your ability to travel on specific dates, request a No Objection Letter from the Human Resources Department representatives or directly from your manager or supervisor, depending on your company’s structure.

You can request a No Objection Letter for employees by sending an email to those responsible for issuing it in which you mention the reasons why you need the certificate.

Important Things To Note In Your Email Request

  • Use the name of the person you are addressing the letter to. If you work for a large organization and do not know the person’s name, you can begin the letter with “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam.”
  • Introduce yourself and mention the position you occupy within the company.
  • Explain why you require a No Objection Letter (for obtaining a Schengen Visa) and remind the recipient that they have already approved your leave of absence for the specified period of travel abroad.
  • If you cover all of the travel and living expenses yourself, ask the recipient to mention this in the letter.

Here’s a sample for a No Objection Certificate request letter (NOC)

Dear [Name of Recipient]/Dear Human Resources Department/, Dear Sir/Madam, To Whom It May Concern,

I, [Your Full Name], request permission to visit [Name of the Schengen Country] from [Beginning Date of your Trip] until [End Date of Your Trip], as my leave for this period has already been approved.

I would appreciate it if you could write a “No Objection Certificate” (NOC) addressed to [Name of the Embassy] located at [Address of the Embassy], in order for me to use it for my Schengen Visa Application.”  

Please state in the letter that I will personally cover all expenses for my trip.

Please feel free to contact me for further inquiries.


[Your Full Name].

Important Mistakes To Avoid When Writing A Schengen Visa NOC Letter

Before submitting to the Embassy, carefully review the information provided by the company representative to ensure you haven’t overlooked crucial details in your documents. Ensure your Schengen Visa No Objection Certificate letter contains accurate details about yourself, your trip, and your employer. Here’s a list of mistakes to avoid before submitting your NOC letter.

  • Not using a letter headed paper that includes the company’s logo.
  • Your flight bookings or day-to-day travel itinerary should align with the leave dates specified in the No Objection Certificate. While you have flexibility to depart a day or two before and return a day or two after, avoid significant differences between your leave dates and flight arrangements.
  • The letter lacks a signature and contact information (email, phone) at the bottom. These details are mandatory as the Visa officers might want to contact your company’s representatives for further inquiries.
  • The Visa applicant fails to highlight that they will cover the necessary travel and living expenses during the trip. Specify self-funding for expenses if you lack a sponsoring entity for your trip.
  • Not mentioning in the letter the salary you get (per month or per year).
  • Your passport details mentioned in the No Objection Letter does not match the ones on your passport.
  • Ensure consistency in your name across the No Objection Letter, passport, hotel bookings, reservations, and leave approval to avoid discrepancies.