How To Answer David Oyedepo Foundation Scholarship Essay

The David Oyedepo Foundation scholarship programme is a platform that promotes the Foundation’s vision and goals. The scholarship program awards fully funded scholarships to qualified individuals who are indigenes and residents of African countries. The scholarship grants students the opportunity to study at Covenant and Landmark Universities in Nigeria. In this blog post, I’ll share how you can answer the David Oyedepo Foundation Scholarship essay questions that are required from all applicants.

Before answering any essay question, you must have a good understanding of the question being asked. Essay questions are used to test the comprehension and writing abilities of an applicant or student. Each essay question asked by David Oyedepo foundation has a five hundred (500) words limit. Therefore, you must be able to route your answers within five hundred words as demanded by the scholarship panel.

Before moving forward, it is imperative to understand what “Essay” means.

What is an essay?

According to Britannica, essay is an analytic, interpretative, or critical literary composition usually much shorter and less systematic and formal than a dissertation or thesis and usually dealing with its subject from a limited and often personal point of view.

From this definition, you can tell that essay questions usually revolve around the writer’s feeling or thoughts concerning a subject matter. Thus, when answering an essay, you have to talk about your thoughts concerning the question being asked.

Finally, with the above explanation, we will delve into answering The David Oyedepo Foundation scholarship essay questions.


Before answering this question, you would need to identify personal reasons around why you need the scholarship. It may be because you are financially incapacitated and cannot afford the cost of a Bachelors or any other reason that suits your situation. Answer the question with the template below:


As a secondary school certificate holder, I am eager to continue my academic journey to achieve my career ambitions. However, financial constraints have been an obvious obstacle on my path. This scholarship would be a vital step in helping me overcome these challenges and reach my full potential.


Throughout my academic journey, I have been financially incapacitated. My family’s meagre income and responsibilities have never been enough for to give me access to quality education which has always been my dream. This scholarship would provide me with quality education, and the necessary financial support to focus solely on my studies.

Receiving this scholarship award would help me to achieve my academic goals, which are (mention your academic goals) which is the bedrock of my career aspirations. With this financial burden lifted, I would be able to dedicate more time and commitment to my studies, engage in extracurricular activities, and take advantage of opportunities that would enhance my academic experience.

My long-term career aspirations are to [Mention personal career goals, e.g., become an expert in my field, give value to my community]. This scholarship would play a crucial role in helping me achieve these goals by allowing me to receive quality education while focusing on the necessities of my career pathway.


Upon a successful completion of my academics, I am committed to giving back to my sponsor and community. As a scholarship recipient, I would be able to [Mention ways you would contribute to your sponsor and community]. This scholarship would not only benefit me but also help me to make a positive impact on those around me.

This response outlined an in-depth reason why the scholarship is needed and what the recipient would do after the program is concluded. Scholarship sponsors are interested in what you would make out of the program after it’s completion, because they are committed to humanity. Likewise as a recipient you should also be committed to contributing to the rise of the society. I also highlighted areas where you should mention your academic and career goals within the body of the essay, which is a necessary spice to your work.


This question would require a personal response as it it unique to what you want to study and why you want to study that course. Nevertheless, here’s a template to help you route through the question.


My interest in [course] was ignited by [personal reason]. This reason deepened my understanding of [neccessity] but also instilled in me a sense of purpose and drive to pursue a career in this field. Since then, I have actively sought out opportunities to and expand my knowledge in [Course].


Studying (Course) aligns with my academic and career goals, which include (Mention your goals). This course will provide me with a comprehensive understanding of (Mention Concepts and skills), which will enable me to achieve (Mention goals).

Studying this (course) at (Covenant/ Landmark) University stands out to me due to its (Unique aspect of the course or university]. The course emphasizes on (Area of interest) align perfectly with my goals and aspirations. I am particularly drawn to the work of [Covenant/Landmark University) and the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals in the field.

Throughout my academic journey, I have developed (Mention skills). These skills will enable me to thrive in (Course) and make meaningful contributions to the academic and professional community. My passion, dedication, and commitment ethics will push me to succeed and make the most of this scholarship opportunity.


Studying (Course) is a deliberate decision that fits into with my academic, career and personal goals. I am confident that this course will equip me with the knowledge, skills, and network necessary to succeed and make a positive impact in my chosen field. Thank you for considering my application.


This question is quite tricky, because it aims to test tour ability to manage yourself, others and situations. If you do not have any specific leadership experience, don’t worry. Just expound on the leadership qualities you see in yourself, even as an older sibling. Answer this question with the template below.


Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have had the privilege of holding some positions that have shaped me into a confident and effective individual. These experiences have taught me valuable skills, such as accountability, communication, empathy, problem-solving, and teamwork, which I believe is essential for success in any field.


My first leadership experience was as a (Position) in (Organization or place) during my (when). In this role, I was responsible for (responsibilities) and worked closely with a team of (size) members to achieve our goals. Through this experience, I learned the importance of (mention skills). During my tenure, I successfully (accomplishments). This experience taught me the value of (mention values learnt).

Through my leadership experiences, I have developed a range of skills that has helped me to efficiently lead teams and achieve our goals. These skills include (mention skills learnt). I have also learnt some lessons which has also shaped me into a better leader (mention lessons)


My leadership experiences have taught me valuable skills and lessons that I will apply throughout my career. I am confident that my experience as a leader, coined with my passion and dedication, make me an ideal candidate for David Oyedepo Foundation Scholarship. Thank you for considering my application.


As easy as this question seems, the response to this question must come from a patriotic standpoint. In other words, not only will you tell why you love your country, you will also have to point out what you intend to do to make your country better. Your sponsor wants to know how you, as the scholarship recipient, will bring value to your country. Below is a template to answer this question.


As a (Country) my country has had a strong impact on my life. From the moment I was born, my country has provided me with a sense of belonging, identity, and purpose. While it is not perfect, I do love my country, and I believe that this love is essential for building a better future for all citizens.


I take full pride in my country’s rich history, cultural heritage, and natural beauty. From (mention notable locations) to the vibrant cities, my country is a home for diverse landscapes and communities. I am proud of our national achievements, from scientific breakthroughs to artistic innovations. This pride inspires me to contribute to my country’s progress and celebrate its triumphs. Loving my country means being an active and patriotic citizen. I believe in participating in the democratic processes, and holding leaders accountable for their actions. I volunteer in my locality, support local initiatives, and advocate for causes that promote social justice and equality. By doing so, I demonstrate my love for my country and it’s progress.

 I cherish the traditions, customs, and values because it makes us unique as a people. I believe in promoting intercultural understanding, celebrating our differences, and fostering inclusivity. By embracing our diversity, we can build a more harmonious and resilient nation. I acknowledge the imperfections and challenges in my country, but I believe in a better tomorrow. There is need for improvement in areas such as economy, education, healthcare, justice, security, and grassroot development. I am against policies and actions that connote injustice and discrimination. By confronting these issues, we can work towards a more just and equitable society.


 The love I have for my country is not blind patriotism but a deep appreciation for its people, culture, and potential. It is a commitment to active citizenship, civic engagement, and social responsibility. While my country is not perfect, I believe that our collective efforts can shape a brighter future for all. I will continue to love, serve, and strive to make my country a better place for generations to come. Receiving this scholarship is the first step to achieving great things for my country. An education for one, is an education for all.

Having provided answers to The David Oyedepo Foundation Scholarship essay questions, you have to know your personal and career goals to help you provide personalized responses.

See other scholarship opportunities here