Are you seeking greener pastures or looking to study abroad? Germany presents the solution to both problems. In this article, I have taken some time to review and consolidate recommendations and solutions across several articles on related topic and have summarized them into an ultimate ‘relocation to Germany’ guide to enable you see what category you fall into and how you can leverage this information to have an easy transition from wherever you are in the world to the economic powerhouse of Europe.

There are four key routes to legally relocate to Deutschland (German translation of Germany) such as:

  • Study route
  • Student-work route
  • Work route
  • Family reunion route

Study route

Have you ever wondered why Germany is a choice destination to consider when making a study decision? There are many international students in Germany from across the world including African, Asian, Australia and American. Personally, I have come across lots of Indians, Chinese, students from the United States, Mexico, South America to mention but a few. PackNPass carried out some research and found out that there are over 367,000 international students welcomed in Germany every year across various fields from arts to sciences into a bachelor, master and PhD programs. This number is ever almost exponentially increasing since 2011. The good news is, there is a spot for you.

Key reasons why Germany maintains a strong reputation as a choice destination which attracts thousands of international students every year includes but not limited to:

  • Being a home to prestigious universities that offer high-quality education and globally recognized and respected degrees that enables you to excel in the global market.
  • Providing employment opportunities and prospects to over 90 percent of students during and after study.
  • In terms of security, Germany is safe and provides a hospitable environment to study with low crime rate and strong economy.
  • Offers an affordable living cost, little or no tuition for most public universities unlike other countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.
  • Provides an easy route to becoming a citizen after studies.
  • Offers a practical approach to education that combines theory and practice, and provides career development.

Before I highlight the possible steps to applying for a study in Germany, I must mention that there are three possibilities to land yourself in Germany as a student:

  • Self-sponsorship
  • Relatives-sponsorship
  • Scholarship


In this case, a student declares to foot all necessary bills without external aid. This is otherwise known as self-funding. Although most public universities in Germany are free i.e requires no tuition for some courses, students are required to pay semester fees. This fee differs from institutions and regions. In some institutions, like the university of Deggendorf, students pay as low as 50€ as semester fees. This fee covers the bus and regional train ticket for the semester, use of library and other infrastructural provisions that make for a beautiful study experience.

Before going further, wit is important to note that the European Union (EU) citizens do NOT require a visa to study in Germany and therefore information shared in this section does not apply to them. However, for non-EU citizens, a student visa is required. and here are the steps to begin your study journey:

  • Go to International DAAD programs to find international programs offered by German Universities at Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD levels or Higher Education Compass.
  • Apply the filter to view a list of programs according to your choice. For example, Course Type: Master’s degree, Course Language: English, Field of study: Engineering, Tuition Fees: no tuition etc.
  • Go through the list of filtered courses and write the contact persons to inquire if application process is not so clear to you.
  • Provide all documentation requirements and apply to more than one institution.
  • Go ahead and apply for a student visa.
  • Open a blocked account with 11,208€ as proof of sufficient financial means of living expenses. Read more about blocked accounts (Sperrkonto) for student.
  • When invited attend your visa interview with all required documents including your blocked account statement. Note: A blocked account is ONLY required from students from countries other than the EU member countries.