Move To Australia With This Comprehensive Relocation Guide

If you are about relocating to Australia, or you are still considering your relocation, here is a comprehensive guide to aid your moving to Australia. PacknPass relocation guide will give you all the necessary information required to grant you a successful settling in upon your arrival in Australia. Everything you need to know has been detailed in this guide; visa application process, lifestyle, accommodation, employment and labor market, healthcare and education and the weather.

Before relocating to any part of the world, the first and foremost is to know why you want to relocate. Next is to gain legal access to that country, which is formally known as acquiring a visa. Of course, foreigner visa processes apply to Australian immigrants. After getting a visa approval, depending on the type of visa and purpose of travel, you would have to decide where you wish to reside. Either in any of the country’s major cities or a state of your choice.

About Australia

Australia is the only country in the world that covers an entire continent. It is one of the largest countries on Earth and accommodates around 23,470,145 people. The official language spoken in Australia is English and the currency used in Australia is known as Australian Dollar (AUD).  The cost of living per month in Australia is AUD $4,312 per month for a single person or AUD $7,786 per month for a family of four. Australia is one of the world’s most ethnically diverse nations. Almost a quarter of the people residing in Australia were born in other countries.

Australia’s warm, sunny climate and abundance of open spaces gives the population a love of the outdoors. Most Australians love sports, including swimming, surfing, sailing, tennis, soccer, cricket, rugby, and their own invention.

Australian Visas and Immigration Process

There are different types of visas available for intending Australian immigrants, each visa was created to meet a specific need for an immigrant. Here are the types of Australian visas available, document requirements and eligibility criteria.

1. Skilled visas

Skilled visas are classified as immigration visas. These visas allow its holders to stay in Australia temporarily or permanently, depending on the visa type. Most common Skilled visas in Australia are:

  • Subclass 189-skilled independent visa – permanent visa.
  • Subclass 190-skilled nominated visa – permanent visa.
  • Subclass 491-skilled regional visa temporary visa (which can then lead to permanent regional visa).

Eligibility criteria for Skilled visas

  • Be under 45 years of age.
  • Have a profession which has been assessed by a relevant Australia authority (Skill Assessment).
  • Have a minimum competent English, which is equivalent to IELTS 6666 or have a passport of UK, USA, NZ, Ireland or Canada.

2. Business Visas

Australian business migration pathway was designed for people who have experience running a business overseas and have enough funds to invest into the Australian bonds and stock market. 

There are two main business visas in Australia and four streams that applicants can fall under:

  • Subclass 188 – Business Innovation and Investment – temporary visa, which allows you to transition to a permanent subclass 888 Business visa, if you meet the necessary criteria.

Eligibility criteria for business visas

  • Must have a successful business history or a business plan.
  • Must have certain amount of assets that you would transfer to Australia after migration.
  • Be under 55 years of age.

3. Student Visas

This visa allows international students to come in and study in Australia. Nevertheless, this is a temporary visa and holders of this kind of visa must return back to their country upon completion of their studies.

Eligibility criteria for student visas

  • To apply for an Australian student visa one would need a confirmation of enrolment from an Australian educational institution that is approved by the Australian government to provide education to international students. To be enrolled in an educational institution, you would need to satisfy the institution’s entry requirements which differ by institution and course.
  • Most of the Australian universities require a minimum knowledge of English at an equivalent level of IELTS Academic 6666.
  • Medical health cover for the duration of the course.
  • Financial capacity of an applicant to pay for the tuition fees and living expenses.

Work Visas

There are several work visa types in Australia. These visas allow international workers to come and work in Australia temporary or permanently.

The Australian visa types that allow employment are:

  • Temporary skills shortage subclass 482 (TSS)
  • Employer Nomination scheme, subclass 186 (Permanent)
  • Employer sponsored regional visa subclass 494 (Provisional)

Eligibility criteria for work visas

The major criteria for all work type visas in Australia is:

  • Availability of an Australian employer who is willing and able to sponsor you for one of the work visas above.
  • With limited exceptions the job an employer brings an overseas worker to do must be on on the skilled occupation list.

Visa document requirements

  • Passport.
  • Australian Visa Form.
  • Paid Visa Fee.
  • One Identity Picture.
  • National Identity Card.
  • Police Certificate.
  • Family Certificates
  • Evidence of Financial Means.
  • Health Insurance.
  • Authorized Recipient Form.
  • Evidence of Temporary Stay
  • Detailed Itinerary.
  • Accommodation Reservations.
  • Employer Permission Letter.

Finding an accommodation

Getting an accommodation in Australia is not a daunting task, as there are many options you can choose from depending on your budget. Australia offers several accommodation perks, including luxury lodges, resorts, hotels, motels, hostels, serviced apartments, bed and breakfasts, farmstays and camping sites.

International students opt for short-term accommodation before they familiarize themselves with the city they reside in and meet potential housemates. They prefer hotels, hostels and other temporary options. You can also rent or ‘lease’ a property by yourself or with others. This can be done through a real estate agent or directly from a houseowner.

Managed (or ‘purpose-built’) student accommodation are built specifically for students. Many universities own some accommodation facilities close to the campus which is exclusively for student use.

Bed and Breakfasts involves living with an Aussie family in their home. Migrants who desire the comfort of a home typically opt for this option, thereby also getting to spend time with their host family. Meals and cleaning are usually provided.

Tips for renting or buying a property in Australia

Here are some useful tips you would need before renting or purchasing an accommodation in Australia.


  • Decide on the location and apartment type that suits your needs.
  • Prepare all necessary documents before applying for rent, including verification of employment and income, references and passport.
  • Tailor your home needs in the order of priority (Must haves and Nice to have).
  • Inspect the property before signing the contract, and take pictures before moving in.
  • Get a perfect understanding of the residential tenancy agreement and condition report before signing. If possible, employ the services of an attorney.
  • Treat the apartment like yours after settling in.


  • Decide on the location and apartment type that suits your needs.
  • Check your financial capacity and investment goals before deciding to buy.
  • Make extensive research about the real estate market and understand the costs involved, including deposit and buying costs.
  •  Seek professional advice from a property and financial adviser before making a decision.

Employment and Labor Market

Many people relocate to Australia for to find greener pastures in the Australian labor market. Australia offers high pay for skilled labor with shorter working hours weekly. Minimum wage in Australia for 38 working hours per week is around $23.23 per hour and $882.80 weekly. Regardless, it isn’t just about getting a job, it is about job security and remaining in demand in the labor market that matters. Some of the high demand jobs include: Nurses, Engineers, Software developers, Construction managers, Teachers, Plumbers e.t.c See full list here.

Tips on how to get employed faster in Australia:

The Australian job market is very competitive so you have to stay updated on your game to stand out. Here are some tips that will assist you land a job faster in Australia.

  • Do not switch career options: This helps you maintain good experience on the job you are familiar with.
  • Employers want to ensure that you can handle the task before they welcome you to the team.
  • Search for high demand jobs: Search through the skilled occupation list. High demand jobs in Australia are within, health, construction and education sectors.
  • Ensure you possess a visa: Many Aussie employers would prefer to move with candidates who have visas.
  • Research online job portals: Go through Australian job portals to apply for positions that match your skills and expertise.


Australia not only offers quality education but also provides affordable fees. Universities offers full and partial scholarships to assist students who are financially incapacitated. The average cost of studying in Australia is around AUD20,000-40,000 per year for undergraduates and AUD18,000-50,000 per year for Masters and PhDs. You can apply for Melbourne’s Graduate Research Scholarship or Research Training program scholarships in Australia

Australia is famous for housing top class tertiary institutions for students looking to study abroad. With over 100 globally recognized universities to choose from. Some of Australia’s top universities include the University of Melbourne, University of New South Wales, University of Sydney and Monash University.


Australia’s public healthcare system, Medicare, provides citizens and permanent residents with free and low cost medical services. This scheme ensures that residents have access to medical care, regardless of their financial status.

The hospitals and healthcare facilities in Australia are modern, fully equipped, and works with highly trained professionals. Australian hospitals are accredited by international organizations, such as the Joint Commission International, which ensures they promote the highest standards of healthcare.

You can be sure to expect these from Australian hospitals:

  • Flexible access to trained medical practitioners and specialists.
  • Immediate treatment.
  • Standardized healthcare services in remote and rural areas.


If you are wondering how you’d settle into Australia, these useful tips would be of help to you.

  • Be flexible to learning: Adjusting to a new location requires patient and flexibility. Be open to learning and adapt to changes.
  • Acquire relevant documents: Always be in possession of the documents required by the authorities. Register with relevant authorities too.
  • Open a bank account: This will help you access local financial services and manage your finances.
  • Familiarize yourself with local laws.
  • Build a social network, don’t stay all by yourself. This will help you explore better and build a support network.
  • Learn about Australian culture and values to pull through situations and build better relationship with Aussies.