Australia Awards Scholarships 2025

About Australia Awards Scholarships:

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade oversees the Australia Awards Scholarships, which are granted over an extended period of time. According to bilateral and regional agreements, they seek to support Australia’s partner nations’ development needs. They give citizens of developing countries, especially those in the Indo-Pacific area, the chance to enrol in full-time undergraduate or graduate programs at participating Australian universities and Technical and Further Education (TAFE) establishments. The research and study opportunities made possible by Australia Awards Scholarships equip recipients with the information and abilities needed to effect change and further the development of their home nations.

Scholarship Categories:



Scholarship Benefits:

  • Offers full tuition fees for the minimum duration of an academic program.
  • Includes return air travel, establishment allowance, and Contribution to Living Expenses (CLE).
  • Compulsory Introduction Academic Program (IAP) for information on living and studying in Australia.
  • Provides overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of the award.
  • Offers Pre-course English (PCE) fees for in-country and/or in-Australia training.
  • Provides supplementary academic support to ensure academic success or enhance experience.
  • Fieldwork may be available for eligible research students for one return economy class airfare.

Scholarship Conditions:

  • Sign contract with Commonwealth of Australia affirming scholarship compliance.
  • Scholars must leave Australia for at least two years post-scholarship.
  • Failure to leave incurs debt for total scholarship cost.

Application Guidelines:

Information on how to apply for an Australia Award Scholarship.

Application Window:

The opening date for the 2025 intake for applications is Thursday, 1 February 2024 and closing Tuesday, 30 April 2024 11:59pm AEST.