Alex Otti Foundation Scholarship

Alex Otti Foundation Scholarship, is a fully funded scholarship opportunity that provides full funding for the cost of tuition, accommodation, and living stipends for a whole academic calendar.

The Alex Otti Foundation (AOF) is inviting interested applicants to submit applications for Alex Otti Foundation’s Tertiary Education Scholarships for the 2024 academic session.

The Scholarship will be awarded based on strong personal academic background, leadership potential, and a demonstrated desire to use the acquired knowledge to contribute to societal development. Upon completion of their studies, Winners must apply their skills and knowledge in improving the lives of others. As time goes on, the Foundation expects her scholarship beneficiaries to form a strong network of leaders who will individually and collectively contribute to the growth of Abia State in particular and Nigeria at large.

Alex Otti Foundation Scholarship Details:

Host: Alex Otti Foundation


Undergraduate Scholarship.

Eligible Country:



  • Full scholarship.
  • Accommodation.
  • Living stipends.


24 March, 2024.

Alex Otti Foundation Scholarship Requirements:

In order to be eligible for this scholarship, applicants are:

  • Students who are currently in 2nd-year (200 Level) in any government-owned tertiary institution in Nigeria.
  • The candidate must have had at least a CGPA of 3.5, for universities (or its equivalent, in their first year).
  • Siblings (that is, children who share the same parents) of current Alex Otti Foundation scholars are not eligible and will not be until their sibling’s current scholarship runs its full course.

Required Documentation:

To apply for the Alex Otti Foundation scholarship, candidates must:

  • Submit a statement of result for your first academic session (that is, First Year) signed by your Department/Faculty’s Admin Officer or representative.
  • Present a letter of recognition by your community/religious group leader or electricity utility bill of the last three months, to prove he/she currently resides in Abia State.
  • Provide valid means of identification.
  • Submit a 1200-word essay, broken into three (3) parts talking about:

A. Your nuclear family, situating themselves within it.

B. A time you were part of a community, and your contributions to the community; and

C. What you think about giving back to the society.

How to Apply:

  • Click on the button below to access the application portal.
  • Create an account on the application portal and confirm your email address.
  • Upload all required documents.
  • Proofread all answers.
  • Submit your application.