How To Write An Exceptional Statement of Purpose

Universities are known to require a statement of purpose from prospective students who wish to gain an admission into their institution. A Statement of purpose shares knowledge about what your personal, professional and academic interests are. It also shows how you will add value to the graduate program you are applying for. Writing an exceptional Statement of purpose is a daunting task as it must be thorough and concise.

A Statement of purpose gives you the opportunity to “sell yourself” as a better candidate. Unlike the cover letter that tells a part of your abilities, a statement of purpose is detailed. It talks about your academic background, professionalism, skills qualifications and motivations.

If you want to write a Statement of purpose for a graduate application, you should hang on to this post. I will reveal essential tips that will guide you to write an exceptional Statement of purpose that makes your application standout.

Why You Need An Exceptional Statement of Purpose (SoP)

Before writing a statement of purpose, it is important to understand why it must standout. The degree of value you want to pursue is sort after by others. What puts you on the spotlight is the exceptionality of your application.

A statement of purpose covers these important areas of your application:

1. What is your background?

Keep this part relevant and brief. Admission panelists and supervisors are interested in why you choose your field of application. They won’t need to know your life story and you don’t have time to tell it to them either. If your interest in your subject was inspired by a particular situation, feel free to say so. But focus on the interest, not the situation.

2. Why are you applying for the field of study or research?

Every personal statement must explain your motivation for choosing your field of study or research area. What you include depends on the your field of study or research you want to take on.

3. What are your academic qualifications?

Your personal statement is not a CV. Do not list the qualifications you have detailed elsewhere in your application. Your personal statement is a chance to comment on your CV and explain the significance of those qualifications for your graduate application.

Your qualifications makes you stand out. Most applicants are academically excellent. Be proud of your results, but explain what those degrees (including specific units and dissertation projects) taught you about the field you want to research.

4. What are your extracurricular experiences?

Another way to build your academic qualifications is to include other experiences that is an addition to your relevant skills. Relevance is key.

You may also wish to include one or two examples of your wider experience and achievements, but the focus should be on your suitability for your desired graduate study. Stick to relevant skills such as organization, independent project management, self-motivation, etc.

5. What are your career goals and motivations?

You should say something about how the program fits into your wider aims and career goals. The plan of what you want to do after your studies may not matter to the panelists, but the fact that you have plans and can show that the program fits them, demonstrates that you’ve thought seriously about the program and will commit to overcoming the challenges it embraces.

6. Are there other issues arising from your CV?

Your statement of purpose is an opportunity to buttress your CV. This means providing more detail about your academic degrees. It can also mean explaining any gaps or irregularities and anticipating some of the questions they might raise. If there’s a gap in your CV, it’s better to explain it than leave any hanging questions – particularly if there’s a perfectly good reason why you weren’t working or studying at that time.

What Is The Ideal Length of a Statement of Purpose?

A statement of purpose should be 500-1000 words, fitting on one side of an A4 sheet of paper. Your school may set a specific word limit, so make sure to check the application details.

The Structure of an Exceptional Statement of Purpose

An ideal statement of purpose must follow a proper sequence from introduction to conclusion.

1. Introduction

Your statement of purpose should begin with an attractive introduction that can compel a reader’s attention. Introduce yourself, state the reason for your application and outline why you wish to pursue your field of study.

2. Academic background

Show a clear overview of your academic background, research experience(s), academic achievements and presentations.

3. Professional experience

If you possess any relevant work experience, show how positively it affects the line of your desired study. Discuss how it has formed your interests and prepared you for the degree. Include the skills and accomplishments that relates to your desired field of study.

4. Goals

Discuss your short and long term goals and explain how relevant your study will be your goals. Discuss how obtaining the degree aligns with your goals and how you intend to use the acquired know to achieve your goals.

5. Demonstrate your understanding of the program

Explain your understanding of the program, it’s challenges and opportunities. Include how it would develop you academically.

6. Share your research interests

Share your research interests, professional and extracurricular experiences. Discuss your contributions to your community before and upon completion of the program.

7. Conclusion

Buttress your enthusiasm for the program briefly and summarize your key points in one word. Thank the recipient for the opportunity to express your interest in the program and confidence in your ability to be chosen.

Useful Tips for writing an exceptional statement of purpose

1. Avoid procrastination

Do not wait until the deadline or “rush hour,” before composing your statement of purpose. Start early because you need all the time that you can get to write an exceptional statement of purpose.

2. Avoid AI generated writings

Your statement of purpose must be authentic. It should reflect you, your interests, motivations, goals and achievements.

3. Sell yourself

This is the opportunity you have to show your qualifications, skills and achievements in details. Utilize this part to talk about why you are a good feat and what the society stands to gain if you are given the opportunity.

4. Proofread thoroughly

Writing an exceptional statement of purpose should not be done haphazardly. It must undergo scrutiny to be free from all forms of grammatical errors. You do not want to wear out it’s reader.

5. Write with optimistism

Be confident in yourself, skills and experiences. Do not look down on your academic background or qualifications. Maintain a tone of confidence while selling yourself.

Read here to learn how to write a cover letter for your scholarship application